Friday, March 30, 2012

The Tides of March

So, what happens when March comes in like a lamb and is swallowed by the lion on its way out?  The lettuce turns to watercress in the cold frame, that's what.  I learned an important lesson today, the hard way: observe where the high ground lays and plant there!  Right now, our lettuce seedlings are getting drenched and there is not much I can do about it, except hope they will survive and wait to see. Our town must be anchored in place by its trees, or I think we would float downstream.  The water table is currently about two feet below ground level, as I found out while digging holes for my fence posts between rainstorms last week.  At least, it was that deep before the umpteen inches of rain we've received over the past week.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  I figure that as long as it is snowing in the mountains that surround our valley, the fish, fowl, and farmers will have water longer into the summer, which might ease some of the pressure of government over-regulation that plagues us here.  But in the meantime, my lettuce is swimming!  Swimming, I tell ya! All hysterics aside, I did almost complete my deer fence; just one more gate to build, and a strand or two of wire to put above the six foot high orchard fencing.  I figure if a deer is going to jump over an eight foot fence, there is really not much I can do to keep it out, except that it might be healthy enough to eat. Fuwhip! goes the crossbow.  Just kidding....kinda.  So, along with everything else, digging garden beds, planting seedlings, etc., my deer fence will just have to wait until the Tide of March goes out.    

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